This blog is a virtual learning environment to support learners and tutors' practice/course content development. It is also to encourage learners and tutors to discuss, share and grow their artistic interest and skill. All work is copyright of the artists.
We started our short mystery project today. The results so far are excellent. All will be revealed next week when we complete the images and assess the experience. For now enjoy the delightful images in progress.
Here are two further examples from our reflections in glass project. The subject matter and the brief certainly created a lot of interest and some serious learning challenges too! All have passed with flying colours, literally.
Visit the National Portrait Gallery's (NPG) useful educational website to see a range of pastel paintings and artists up to and including the current time. The site has helpful brief descriptions of technique next to details of images. Image below is by RB Kitaj (1986); click on the image below to go to the NPG site.
Next week we will be doing a MYSTERY project as a group. Learners need only to bring all their usual equipment and willingness to drive blind! See you on 31 May.
Paintings in our reflections project are really getting interesting. In our group review we decided that still-life is still a potent subject to practice and explore our painting skills and ideas. Here are the works in progress (some of the group were away this week so we will look at theirs next time). There is also an oil painting by Margaret included here from her time at university.
This week we reviewed our research and started our new main project about glass based reflections and transformations (distortions). Early days but some very interesting developments already starting to emerge.